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OU Report It!

At OU, fostering an environment of integrity, respect, and the highest ethical standards is a top priority. Each member of the OU community shares the responsibility of ensuring these values are firmly upheld and concerns are promptly addressed.  The reporting hotline – OU Report It! – provides a simple and anonymous way for employees, students, and community members to report concerns related, but not limited, to: Human Resources, Academics, Safety, Student Affairs, Accounting and Financial, Regulatory/Policy Compliance, Institutional Equity, Athletics and Research.  The hotline is hosted by Navex Global, an independent third party, to provide an avenue to confidentially report suspected wrongdoing or unethical behavior without the fear of retaliation.  

Violations or concerns may be submitted 24 hours a day through the following methods:

  1. Phone: (844) 428-6531
  1. Online:  The OU Report It! website has been redesigned to make it easier to submit concerns. To make a report, select the appropriate campus below:
  1. Mobile:
    The OU Report It! hotline’s new mobile intake feature makes the reporting process even easier and faster. Access the mobile intake by scanning this QR code:
ou report it qr